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USD389,724.70.(RM1.2 juta) Itulah jumlah yg diterima Joshua Trevino utk burukkan DS Anwar Ibrahim. |
BN atau syarikat bersekutunya telah membayar beberapa orang penulis
untuk menulis artikel2 propaganda bagi arus perdana penerbitan di
Amerika Syarikat(AS), seperti yang dimaklumkan oleh BuzzFeed, sebuah
portal berita di USA, di mana penulisan tersebut tertumpu kepada Ketua
Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Pendedahan ini timbul, setelah
Joshua Trevino, seorang cendekiawan konservatif, memfailkan pendedahan
wajib pada 24 Feb ini di bawah undang-undang AS yang memerlukan agen2
asing untuk mendaftar diri mereka.

Dokumen itu telah disiarkan di laman web US Department of Justice’s Foreign Agents Registration Act '(Fara) website.
Dokumen tujuh halaman itu telah mendedahkan bahawa pelobi APCO Worldwide, David All Group dan FBC Media telah menggunakan khidmat Trevino di antara bulan Mei 2008 dan April 2011 untuk bertindak bagi pihak "Kerajaan Malaysia, parti memerintah, atau pihak2 yang berkepentingan bersama".
Dokumen tujuh halaman itu telah mendedahkan bahawa pelobi APCO Worldwide, David All Group dan FBC Media telah menggunakan khidmat Trevino di antara bulan Mei 2008 dan April 2011 untuk bertindak bagi pihak "Kerajaan Malaysia, parti memerintah, atau pihak2 yang berkepentingan bersama".
telah dibayar sebanyak USD$389,724.70(RM1.2 juta) dan satu perjalanan
ke Kuala Lumpur untuk kerja-kerjanya, termasuk pengendalian blog di
laman web yang kini sudah lagi tidak berfungsi iaitu,
malaysiamatters.com malaysiawatcher.com, dan mentauliahkan 10 orang
penulis, yang mana sesetengah daripada mereka adalah pro-Israel.
Trevino sendiri turut menulis mengenai Malaysia di blog akhbar Huffington Post AS, termasuk satu posting pada Ogos 2010 yang mempertahankan kes Sodomi 2 Anwar Sodomi.
Artikel2nya yang lain, serta tulisan2 yang dihasilkan daripada penulis2 lain, semuanya berfokaskan kepada sokongan 'Pergerakan Global Kesederhanaan' Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan usaha2 Najib untuk mengukuhkan hubungan antara agama.
Trevino sendiri turut menulis mengenai Malaysia di blog akhbar Huffington Post AS, termasuk satu posting pada Ogos 2010 yang mempertahankan kes Sodomi 2 Anwar Sodomi.
Artikel2nya yang lain, serta tulisan2 yang dihasilkan daripada penulis2 lain, semuanya berfokaskan kepada sokongan 'Pergerakan Global Kesederhanaan' Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan usaha2 Najib untuk mengukuhkan hubungan antara agama.

Penulis2 lain yang Trevino upah juga
menegaskan pengecualian mereka,apabila Buzzfeed menghubungi mereka untuk
mendapatkan komen, termasuk penulis konservatif Ben Domenech.
"Saya tidak pernah dikongkong oleh sesiapa tentang apa yang saya tulis, saya hanya menulis tentang percakaran politik di sana serta memberi komen saya sendiri.
"Sudah tentu, Josh pilih saya kerana mengetahui apa pendapat saya - Saya berpegang dengan apa yang saya tulis pada masa itu dan saya akan terus mengkritik Anwar, yang bagi saya adalah seseorang yang amat bahaya," kata Ben Domenech dalam artikel yang disiarkan semalam.
BuzzFeed juga mendapati bahawa Trevino pernah hilang kontrak untuk sebuah kolum di akhbar Guardian UK, kerana gagal untuk mendedahkan sumber dan kepentingan kewangannya di Malaysia, manakala Huffington Post pula menghadapi saman selepas pendedahan terbarunya.-malaysiakini
"Saya tidak pernah dikongkong oleh sesiapa tentang apa yang saya tulis, saya hanya menulis tentang percakaran politik di sana serta memberi komen saya sendiri.
"Sudah tentu, Josh pilih saya kerana mengetahui apa pendapat saya - Saya berpegang dengan apa yang saya tulis pada masa itu dan saya akan terus mengkritik Anwar, yang bagi saya adalah seseorang yang amat bahaya," kata Ben Domenech dalam artikel yang disiarkan semalam.
BuzzFeed juga mendapati bahawa Trevino pernah hilang kontrak untuk sebuah kolum di akhbar Guardian UK, kerana gagal untuk mendedahkan sumber dan kepentingan kewangannya di Malaysia, manakala Huffington Post pula menghadapi saman selepas pendedahan terbarunya.-malaysiakini

'Najib pays RM1.2mil for anti-Anwar propaganda in US'...
or its associates have allegedly paid several opinion writers to write
propaganda articles for mainstream US publications, which US-based
online news portal BuzzFeed said is focused on PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

The document has been posted on the US Department of Justice’s Foreign Agents Registration Act (Fara) website.
The seven-page document reveals that lobbying companies Apco Worldwide, David All Group and FBC Media had engaged Trevino between May 2008 and April 2011 to act on behalf of the “government of Malaysia, its ruling party, or interests closely aligned with either”.
He was paid a
total of US$389,724.70 (about RM1.2 million) and a trip to Kuala Lumpur
for his work, which included blogging on the now-defunct websites malaysiamatters.com, malaysiawatcher.com, and commissioning the works of 10 opinion writers, some of whom are known to be pro-Israel.
However, Trevino, then the director of consultant group Trevino Strategies and Media Inc, claimed in the document that the writers had editorial independence and the publication of their work is not subject to his or his client’s prior approval.
"To be blunt with you, and I think the filing is clear about this, it was a lot looser than a typical PR (public relation) operation. I wanted to respect these guys' independence and not have them be placement machines," BuzzFeed quoted him saying.
However, Trevino, then the director of consultant group Trevino Strategies and Media Inc, claimed in the document that the writers had editorial independence and the publication of their work is not subject to his or his client’s prior approval.
"To be blunt with you, and I think the filing is clear about this, it was a lot looser than a typical PR (public relation) operation. I wanted to respect these guys' independence and not have them be placement machines," BuzzFeed quoted him saying.

His other articles, as well as some of the commissioned works from other authors, were in support of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's 'Global Movement of Moderates' and Najib's other efforts to bolster interfaith relations.
Other authors that Trevino hired also asserted their independence when Buzzfeed contacted them for comment, including conservative writer Ben Domenech.
did not ever have anyone looking over my shoulder for what I wrote, and
the guidance really was just to write about the political fray there
and give my own opinion,
"Of course, Josh picked me knowing what my opinion was - I stand by what I wrote at the time and I continue to be critical of Anwar, who I think is a particularly dangerous fellow," he was quoted saying in the article published yesterday.
Trevino's articles removed
BuzzFeed also noted that Trevino had previously lost contracts for a column on the UK newspaper Guardian for failing to disclose his financial interests in Malaysia, while Huffington Post has followed suit after the latest exposé.
"Of course, Josh picked me knowing what my opinion was - I stand by what I wrote at the time and I continue to be critical of Anwar, who I think is a particularly dangerous fellow," he was quoted saying in the article published yesterday.
Trevino's articles removed
BuzzFeed also noted that Trevino had previously lost contracts for a column on the UK newspaper Guardian for failing to disclose his financial interests in Malaysia, while Huffington Post has followed suit after the latest exposé.

According to BuzzFeed,
Trevino now claims that he was approached for the job by publicist
David All in 2008 and never had any contact with his ultimate client.
only had an assumption of who I was working for. I never knew exactly
who Apco was dealing with, never knew exactly who FBC was dealing with,"
he reportedly said.
When asked why did the made the filling five
years late, he reportedly said that he was unaware that he is legally
required to register under Fara at the time, but was later allowed to
make the filing retrospectively after he found out about it.
Trevino has reportedly stopped working for Malaysian interests when he joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation at an unspecified date.-malaysiakini